The world is slowly waking up to the realization that the way we have lived for the last 50 years may not be sustainable. More and more of us are beginning to realize that humans are part of the ecosystem, part of a delicate relationship with all living things. And realizing the way we live is causing harm to the planet.
We understand why the organic movement has grown from a few students in 60’s, to a worldwide movement encompassing millions of consumers and producers.
As organic farmers, we pledge to act as stewards of our precious resources and protect and maintain the soil, water, plants and animals of our farm while continuing to look for new ways to farm and distribute our harvests creatively to benefit the land and people of our planet.

Around here, we believe that the best way to care for the earth is to get out there and enjoy it – because if you love it, you’ll do all you can to protect it. So what will you do this Earth Day (and for the next 365 days) to enjoy it, love it and protect it?
PLANT A TREE – This year’s Earth Day theme is Trees for the Earth. Planting trees is one of the easiest ways to fight climate change and will serve as the foundation of a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable planet for all. Learn more.
PARTICIPATE IN A COMMUNITY CLEAN UP – Help take care of your neighbor parks, school gardens, creeks, and beaches.
VISIT A FARM – Our mission is to connect people with the farmers and the land that grows their food by offering farm tours and events from March through October. We hope to see you at the farm in 2016! Learn more.
Your belief in and support of our organic family farm strengthens our vision and belief that we are headed in the right direction! We are on our way to a better place, but there is always room for improvement. We challenge you this Earth Day to take a moment and make a conscious decision to take one more step to make this an even healthier, more sustainable world to live in. Here are just a few ideas to encourage you.You can find them on our Earth Day Pinterest Board too!
- START A COMPOST PILE – Composting is a great way to combat food waste by keeping it out of landfills and waterways. It enriches soil with nutrients and helps boost plant immunity. Anyone can build a compost pile, whether it’s in your yard or under the kitchen sink. Learn more about how to compost at home.
- TOP TIPS TO SAVE THE EARTH – Small changes we make as individuals can end up making a huge impact on our environment. For instance, just by adjusting your thermostat by 1 degree can save you 10% on your energy consumption.
- HOW TO CELEBRATE EARTH DAY EVERY DAY – It’s amazing how many opportunities you will find to celebrate this wonderful world we live in! Learn ways you can show appreciation every day, once a week, every month and once a year.
- GET KIDS INVOLVED – It's so important that we teach our children about being kind to the Earth and environment. Live by example. Show them how lifestyle changes can make a positive impact every day of the year. There are plenty of ways you can make lasting impressions on future generations: Create an Earth Day “tip jar” and fill it with some of these ideas to get you started.
- MAKE AN EARTH DAY PLEDGE - The idea is to make a promise of some kind to honor the planet we live on. There are many ways you can choose to do this: pledge to make changes, pledge your gratitude, pledge your love, pledge to protect, etc.
We cannot thank you enough for your belief in organic and sustainable farming and for your support of a better future for generations to come. Happy Earth Day to you and your family from everyone here.