We are so pleased to introduce you to one of our favorite Capay Valley neighbors and friends, Full Belly Farm. This family/friend owned and operated farm was started back in 1985 by Paul Muller, his wife Dru Rivers and friends Judith Redmond and Andrew Brait. This like minded foursome bonded over a yearning to grow a diverse range of organic produce for their local community. The group chose the picturesque Capay Valley of Yolo County to plant roots and fittingly named their place Full Belly Farm.
Full Belly Farm Owners / photo by Cody and Natalie Photography
Full Belly describes their philosophy as a whole-systems approach: “every action must be made with purpose, thought, and consideration of the impact it will have on the long-term sustainability of our farm.” This extends far beyond their farming practices. Thanks to their focus on hiring long-term, year-round employees, paying a living wage, and making lasting connections with their customers through events, Full Belly has become a center of community in the Capay Valley.
Photo provided by Full Belly Farm
Over the years, Full Belly Farm has grown to produce an amazing assortment of vegetables, herbs, nuts, flowers and fruits year-round. They also have a flock of chickens, a herd of sheep and several cows. Depending on what’s in season, Farm Fresh To You has offered their almond butter, heirloom grains, produce, dried fruit snacks and so much more.
More recently we’ve teamed up with Full Belly farm to create the dough for our DIY Mozzarella Pizza Kit, the pie dough for our DIY Farm Fresh Quiche Kit, as well as the pasta from our Organic Artisan Pasta and Heirloom Tomato Sauce Bundle. For those of your that prefer to create your own recipe, you can also purchase their pastas, pizza and pie dough separately in your online farm stand.
With the holidays right around the corner, you might want to check out their Pumpkin Tea Cakes and Pie Filling.
How To Add Full Belly Farm Products To Your Delivery: CSA members - head on over to our online Farm Stand Market to customize your upcoming delivery. The Market is open from noon on Thursday until 10 pm, 2 days before your scheduled delivery day. After you confirm your produce items, click the orange button "Confirm and Continue To Other Farm Products" to add the products to your delivery.
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