August 26, 2011

Eating Local

Eating Local Cookbook Giveaway

“In home kitchens across the country, cooks are making a change you can taste."
Janet Fletcher in her cookbook Eating Local

That alone is something to celebrate. As we celebrate the 35th anniversary of our own organic farm, we see this change happening every day, and it both humbles and inspires us.

As you share recipes, stories and photos from your own kitchen, we get to experience first-hand what it means to be a CSA – and how amazing it is to see what grows in our fields appear on your tables in the meals you share with family and friends.

Recently, we had the honor of speaking with local acclaimed cookbook author and journalist, Janet Fletcher about her book Eating Local: The Cookbook Inspired by America’s Farmers. A gorgeous and tempting read, Janet's cookbook serves up 150 recipes for making the most of the fresh ingredients in a CSA box or farmer's market. 

She autographed a book for us – and we're hoping to give it to one of you, our Farm Fresh To You CSA fans!

Wine-Poached Pears from Eating Local Cookbook

How to Enter
To enter to win a signed copy of Janet Fletcher's Eating Local cookbook, simply leave a comment below sharing what you like about belonging to a CSA (one entry per person, please). Comments will close on Monday, September 5th at 8a.m. Winners will be chosen by Random Number Generator and announced here on Tuesday, September 6th.
A big thank you to Janet Fletcher and be sure to check out Eating Local!   Good luck to all!

Eating Local Cookbook

Thank you for all the amazing comments!

The winner chosen by random number is: Nan Lorenzen

Nan Lorenzen said...

It's like Christmas, but better than toys: Fresh fruit and vegetables--that I can trust to be organic--arrive to give me a fun challenge to prepare them as healthfully and appetizingly as possible.

Thanks Nan! Thank you again to all who entered - we are enjoying your comments so very much!


  1. Waiting for the box to arrive and then smelling the goodness before we even open it to look!

  2. I love that I am providing healthy, local food for my family!

    sterlingdreams925 at yahoo dot com

    Lynda T.

  3. Belonging to a local CSA has brought new and strange produce to my doorstep. I enjoy watching my chickens eat that strange produce as a result of a colossal cooking fail but I look forward to the day the chickens have to fight me to get any because I loved the recipe creation.

  4. I love being forced to try foods out of my comfort zone!

  5. I think it is important to know your farmer and to eat what's in season and local to where you live. It's good for the environment and it's good for our bodies. We have an almost one year old and we want him to know more than the golden arches or what's in that box. He LOVES to eat raw veggies, as well as steamed, every type of fruit we've handed him and we haven't had to puree anything for him for months. I could use a good book and recipes to keep what we have going. We just love our local farmer!!!

  6. I love that I am provided with healthy local food, and that I am in turn supporting local farmers. The fresh produce delivery is looked forward to each month.

  7. I love trying new foods and getting the recipes!

  8. I love that the fresh produce is delivered directly to my doorstep - what's more convenient than that?

  9. I was in a vegetable rut! Now I get some old favorites and have had some new thanks to my CSA box. Cooking has suddenly become an adventure as I make it my mission to not waste a single item that comes to me. My family has learned to broaden their own palates too. It's just the gift that keeps on giving : )

  10. I love that the CSA has introduced me to foods I have never tried before. My family and I love that we are eating organic local food that is fresh and not picked weeks before we eat it!

  11. I used to have a veggie garden of my own and now my living situation does not permit, so I love that I can still get fresh grown veggies at my house.

  12. I love planning my meal around my vegetables, rather than the meat etc. It's keeping us healthy!

  13. Something new every week...always a surprise and I love to try to find new things to do with the veggies every week.

  14. I have no room for a garden of my own, so this way I get fresh fruit and vegetables delivered to my door, and get surprised every 2 weeks with a great variety of different items in my box...the best is when I don't know what it is, and have to look for the paper in the box to see...that's great, then we get to discover a new taste and decide if it's a keeper or not! Thank you Farm're my personal garden without having to pull one weed!

  15. I love knowing where my food is coming from! And I'm all about eating whats in season!!

  16. I love how the CSA has made my family feel so connected to the earth. It feels like all the farmers, workers, delivery drivers and other families who receive boxes, are all apart of one big happy family that respects the abundance that our local lands provide us.

  17. Hearing my two boys cheer with delight when our weekly CSA box arrives and they see Cauliflower still makes me do a double-take to be sure I'm in the right house. This would not be possible without the wonderful recipes that accompany my produce from my local, organic farmer.

    Thank You!

    mjohnson at mommyloves dot com

  18. Communicated Supported Agriculture is:
    C=CONVENIENT to have delivery to my doorstep
    S=SENSATIONAL to eat what's in season locally
    A=ADVENTURESOME it's like having Christmas every week, since I don't know what I'll be getting in the box and then playing Iron Chef in my own kitchen.

  19. trying new recipes with local, organic, seasonal goodness!

  20. I love eating local grown, fresh produce and eggs.

  21. I love the anticipation of what will be in it. I also love the (sometimes) challenge of "what do I do with this?"

  22. I love eating seasonal fruits and veggies, the taste is unbeatable. Added bonus: supporting our local farms and helping out our local ecomony. A win/win for both of us!

  23. I love trying new foods and learning how to cook them. I also like eating healthier.

  24. Supporting local farmers is such a bonus plus the amazing local produce - all year long!

  25. I love being surprised by the contents of the box and then having to plan a meal around things I hadn't expected. Sometimes I win and discover wonderful new dishes; sometimes my family makes me promise not to try that one again.

  26. I love having my toddler help me open our box each week; he helps me take out the fruits and vegetables, and tells me what they are (or, I teach him the name if he doesn't know it). It's a great way to teach him about healthy eating!

  27. I love discovering new fruits and veggies and the fun ways to prepare and enjoy them. Thanks for introducing me to lemon cucumbers, kohlrabi and Romanesco.

  28. I love supporting a sustainable business, reaping the extra-nutritious health benefits of eating organic fruits and vegetables fresh out of the soil, and my favorite - the weekly challenge of trying new recipes. I love the creativity, peace of mind, and happiness of a Farm Fresh to You box. Thanks!

  29. I love enjoying fruits and vegetables when they are in season and at their peak flavor! You really can taste the difference! The fruits are sweeter and veggetables are so fresh and crisp! Having a variety show up at my door forces me to try new recipes which I love!

  30. I really enjoy eating the fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables and I believe in supporting our local farmers.

  31. Feels like I'm giving myself a gift when I open the box!

  32. I love having to cook vegetables I've never heard of before!

  33. I love sharing the adventure of every new box with my 10 year old son. Together we have a blast figuring out what kind of veggie/fruit it is and then together we look up different kinds of recopies to cook. This book would come in handy. Thanks to our CSA we are strengthening our relationship and improving our well being!

  34. Nothing beats buying locally grown produce. It's good for local businesses. It's good for me. It's good for the earth. Everyone wins.

  35. As a busy, single, professional, I don't always have time to get to the Farmer's Market (or the grocery store, for that matter). I love that FFTY delivers healthy, organic produce right to my office. I've even lost 25 lbs. since I started getting my CSA box. How can you not like that!?!

  36. I love trying new foods and finding new recipes for those foods that just keep coming every week.
    My kids are eating more fresh produce and that helps the whole family eat better.

  37. We are newbies and we are absolutly amazed at the taste difference in produce!

  38. I like knowing my farmer....Thad.

  39. I love that I'm supporting local farmers & nourishing my family with the food we were made to eat & food grown the way it was meant to be grown.

  40. I love knowing where my food comes from. After hearing a programme on NPR today about the horrific maltreatment of workers on some tomato farms in Florida, I am very happy to be reminded that my fruit and vegetables are ethically, as well as sustainably and healthily, farmed.

  41. I love eating seasonally and locally. I grow so much in my own garden, but I love the variety I get by purchasing produce from a CSA. I also love trying new things that they grow!

  42. I love the freshness of the produce and the opportunity to try veggies we don't normally buy in the supermarket. My young daughter loves the little carrots and my horses love the carrot greenery! Perfect.

  43. I look forward to my fresh fruit and veggies every week. It makes me go out of my comfort zone and try new things. And they always taste better in season!

  44. I love to hear my kids picker over who gets to eat the last pear - or the first plum. I love trying new things too.

  45. I love always being pleasantly surprised when I open up my box, and trying things I've never tried before. I also love the fact that I'm supporting my local farmers.

  46. Getting to try produce that otherwise I would never have bought, and trying new varieties of something that I might not even be able to get in the store.

  47. Love that I come home to a gift of fresh, seasonal produce on my porch!

  48. Opening the produce box is like opening a Christmas present every other week.

  49. Tread lightly on this precious Earth... Thank you, CSA and Farm Fresh To You for making this possible for all of us who join you..

  50. I love watching my kiddos so excited to open the box AND get super involved in how we are going to prepare our fruits and veggies! They are tiny little master chefs!

  51. I love that this forces me to use my brain when planning meals. We have a Friday delivery, so I always check the list on Thursday to see what will be coming and make a menu for the week. I'm now choosing fruit over chips & cookies for snacks. Plus, the recipe section of the website is great for ideas when there's something in the box you haven't cooked before.

  52. The sheer joy of exploring the newest and best fruits/vegetables on a weekly basis. You never know what will "pop" up!

  53. Belonging to Farm Fresh reminds me of when I was a child and my dad's garden. Every summer we would harvest all of our great bounty. Now on Thursdays I get to see my 4 year olds face light up as she opens the box the farmer sent her.

  54. My favorite thing is sharing the box with my children. They have now become accustomed to receiving seasonal, local, organic produce. Through this, they are learning to make the right choices for their health, our planet and local economy.

  55. I like that I am supporting a local small business and its always exciting to see what came in the box that week. Its a great way to branch out and try new things, and my whole family is eating more veges now than ever before!

  56. I never really ate many fruits and vegetables before joining a CSA. I knew that the surprise of it and the convenience would force me to eat more healthily. I didn't expect that the amazing taste and the joy of eating real, local, non-industrial food would make me WANT to eat them too! I love this CSA. :)

  57. I love knowing that I am supporting local farmers while providing my family with the best quality fruits and veggies. And I love not having to drive to the store ;)

  58. I like the fresh organic produce. We are eating so much healthier at home ever since we signed up for the box :) the produce is much tastier than what you would get in the store.

  59. I am so happy to receive fresh organic produce delivered to my front door every two weeks. Love learning about and how to prepare those items that I've never seen before. Long live Capay farmers!

  60. Feels so good to realize the arrival of the seasons by the taste of the produce in the box. Fun to search for recipes to use a new item. And love that by the time we are tired of one item it is time for a new one anyway!

  61. Good people
    Good dirt
    Sun and water
    Hard work = Earth's bounty
    Gentle hands
    Smiling faces
    Load the trucks
    For many places
    To my doorstep
    Then my table
    This is NOT a fable!
    Thank you, Farm Fresh to You!

  62. Every week is an adventure in cooking with a CSA membership. It's a pleasure to see all the beautiful produce I receive and find new recipes to use it all. It gives me a good excuse to search my cookbooks for new and interesting recipes.

  63. I am a new member and eagerly await my box delivery, what a great way to support local producers.

  64. Just got my first box today and i am in Love. Everything smells so good. Excited to have some grilled tomatoes with a poached egg for breakfast.

  65. I feel like a wonderful present has arrived on my door step each week as I unpack my box. This weeks box contained the most delicious figs...I want to run to my local cheese shop and buy some blue cheese to accompany them.

  66. Katie - Mother of FourAugust 30, 2011 at 3:57 PM

    Belonging to a CSA makes our family happy to support local farmers. The produce is the absolute best. Our four children are eating more produce because everything tastes so fresh and delicious. By belonging to a CSA we are teaching our children to respect the earth so they will be rewarded for generations to come. Thank you FFTY.

  67. My favorite part? It's like my birthday every Tuesday! Today I opened up the box and yelled "Figs! I love figs!" and excitedly opened the stuffed container and devoured two succulent and sweet figs!

  68. My kids were 2 and 4 (now 20 and 22) when I joined Farm Fresh -- at the time because they delivered to the preschool and because I fell in love with Kathleen and her growing family. We follow the seasons and join vicariously in the joys and sorrows of the farm. Seeing red ripe tomatoes resting on the window sill still fills me a sense of joy and connection that nothing else can.

  69. It always tastes so amazing! The freshness is there and I can't help but recommend all my family and friends! This is the best purchase I've ever made! I personally thank you!

  70. Supporting small organic farms and cooking delicious, healthy food for my family.

  71. My favorite part of being a CSA member is giving my 2 year old a variety of different fruits and vegatables every day.

  72. Enjoying the treat of receiving a box full of organic vegetables and fruit every week and supporting a community farm.

  73. I agree with so many of the comments above...I love the gift I get on my doorstep, discovering what's inside, the surprise and wonder of new vegetables (like kohlrabi and romanesco brocolli), and sharing this produce that's grown with love with the people closest to me.

  74. I have my box delivered to work and every time it comes in, I can smell the fresh fruit and veggies, everyone walks in to my office asking what I have this week, they are almost as excited as I am. We then start planning what I am going to cook that week with my surprise.

  75. Belonging to a CSA allows my children to see how mommy grew up with a garden of fresh vegetables always changing with the season!

    It allows me to introduce healthy food to my family without the worry of GMO or pesticide laden fruits and veggies. The boys love to see what's new in the box this week.

  76. When the box comes, I put on a puppet show with the veggies for Nathan my toddler. He loves the colors and textures of the fruits and vegetables.

  77. What is not to love? I go to bed knowing that I will wake up to some delicious fruit for breakfast, and some veggies for a culinary adventure!

  78. We get so excited when our box arrives, it's so much fun to open it and smell the fresh, beautiful seasonal fruits & veggies! We enjoy it even more knowing we're supporting local farmers committed to sustainability.
    I can't wait to have some of today's muskmelon!

  79. Variety, local, organic--delish!

  80. It's like Christmas morning when I get my box of Farm Fresh goodies! I have had the joy of trying fruits and veggies that I never would have purchased at the grocery...and I adore the newsletter and recipes that come tucked into my box. Thank you for a wonderful experience!

  81. I love being able to support the local organic food movement, feel nourished and connected to the earth and try new recipes!

  82. I am all about supporting local, responsible farmers who take pride in what they grow. The variety of produce is wonderful, and I love watching my kids dive into the box and learn about new fruits and veggies!

  83. I love having fresh fruits and vegetables delivered to my home because it's important to me that my husband and I eat healthy. We work so many hours that we don't often make it to a grocery store. But with our deliveries, we always have delicious produce.

  84. It is the greatest luxury to have organic, farm fresh fruits and vegetables arrive at my doorstep each week. Meal planning is like a never-ending, joyous puzzle. I am so happy to watch my family consume the health-giving products of a soulful farmer like Thaddeus!

  85. I like belonging to CSA because I like the challenge of creating menus around what comes in the box. I also likevthat I am supporting local farmers. Both of my grandfathers were farmers. It makes me feel somehow connected to them.

  86. I like being gently forced to cook and eat lots of veggies. And I like not having to always go to A sunday market to get fresh local organic produce.

  87. My favorite day, Delivery Day! Opening that box is always exciting as I rarely look ahead to see whats coming. I enjoy the surprise. Then comes the challenge of developing meals with the prizes inside. Thank you for letting me be part of this great community while serving my family quality healthy foods.

  88. I love the mix of fruits and veggies and how fresh the ingredients are, although happily it's my husband, not me, who comes up with delicious recipes. It's great to feel connected to local farmers and feel we're supporting the community.

  89. Figs, beautiful figs, arrived this morning. Every Friday is like Christmas morning. Can't wait to open our "gift" from your good earth each week.

  90. I won't lie I joined because my friend insisted,and not because of the organic goodies that came in the box. I am used to eating only packaged and fast food meals anything that I can microwave. (lousy cook) because of Farm Fresh I hunt the internet in search of recipes for the veggies that come in the box. I love the list that names the vegetables because I can recognize only about 15% of them. Thank you, thank you for the recipes that you include.
    Delectably yours, Tica M.

  91. I love that my kids get excited for our delivery each week and we dig into the box together to find out what goodies are inside!

    Keep up the good work!
    Michelle J.

  92. Eating local organic produce means I'm tasting fruits and vegetables the way they are meant to be! And boy, do they taste good!

  93. I like that it's good for me, the environment, and our local community. It also just tastes better!

  94. We joined a CSA to expand our vegetable intake beyond broccoli, carrots, and asparagus (our favorites at the time). Who knew we would love things like chard, fennel, and sweet peppers just as much? It's always exciting to see the box sitting on our doorstep, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to support local farmers.

  95. I don't know how I managed without my regular delivery off farm fresh organic vegetables and fruits. What a treat to open the box and then decide on the recipes for the week. In my busy life, it ensures that my diet will be wholesome and nutritious. Plus it supports my position on "eating local."

  96. I love that I can have fresh, clean, local, organic produce delivered to my doorstep. With 2 young children, this is an amazing service that suits my busy, health-conscious lifestyle!

  97. It's like opening a box of sunshine every week - our family loves it!

  98. I look forward to a fresh adventure every time a box arrives. I love trying new things and feel good about supporting a healthy planet and local farmers. I recommend a CSA to everyone!

  99. I like that I don't have to go to the store and it forces me to eat foods I wouldn't normally buy because I am cheap.

  100. I love that I am never concerned about the quality of food I make for my family if it came out of my Farm Fresh to You Box...and everything tastes so GREAT!

  101. I love how it forces me to cook and eat new vegetables. It is so easy to buy the same things over and over again at the store. With my delivered box, it's exciting to look up new and delicious recipes to cook up my new vegetables!

  102. I love knowing who and where my produce comes from and I love the challenge of surprises in my box - what do I do with this giant fennel bulb?!?

    From Bob Klier

  103. Perfect seasonal fruits and vegetables and the occasional time where I have to figure out how in the world to use an ingredient. The latter makes me feel like iron chef. I love it.

  104. It's just a gift - new vegetables, old favorites - try new recipes, reuse old ones and everything tastes so much better than "storebought."

  105. I love supporting local, clean farmers. And every once in a while something I'm not accustomed to cooking shows up, and I'm off to the internet to find a recipe. And I LOVE the Zucchini and Mint soup recipe included some time ago with the note from the farm. I make it during zucchini season just about every week, as I have a lot of mint in my garden box. I could go on and on...

  106. The surprises! The freshness! Supporting local agriculture. Yumm!

  107. I love belonging to a CSA! I love having the locally grown and organic fruits and veggies delivered to my door and I feel good about what I'm putting into my body... fresh, organic & healthy food.

  108. Stephanie WhiterabbitSeptember 3, 2011 at 10:50 AM

    I love checking every week what will be in my box and not having to force myself to buy a variety of produce at the grocery store. I love box day when I get to open the box and see all the gorgeous produce. I love that it is organic and I can feel good about eating it. I love that it is cheaper than buying organic at the grocery store.

  109. I love knowing that what I feed my family is fresh, local, organic, seasonal, sustainable and supports family farms! And a the convenience can't be beat.

  110. I love getting fresh, health food that is a surprise! I can go through new recipes to match ingredients in the box so we are always getting new meals!

  111. I love the variety and eating vegetables that I wouldn't normally pick up in the grocery store.

  112. i love having my whole family over and we make a big meal with the yummy goodness that showed up on my porch that morning!!

  113. Love Farm Fresh to You because we eat all sorts of things we never would if I was just shopping in grocery store. We always make soup now and the kids love to cut up veggies.

  114. I really like knowing where my food comes from and there are no serious pesticides. Its convenient and you dont know what your'e going to get(unless you change your order) which is also convenient.I wish more people got their produce this way. Supporting our local farmers instead of the ones in foreign countries.

  115. It's like Christmas every Wednesday morning. I love to dig into my mid-week box of goodies and try out new recipes.

  116. Mmmm! There nothing better than opening the door Friday morning to find a box of fresh, beautiful, delicious veggies! Joining a CSA was one of the best food decisions I've ever made. We eat more produce, try new recipes, and change our eating habits depending on the season. Plus, we can feel good about supporting local, sustainable agriculture.

  117. I love being able to try different veggies and fruit than I used to buy at the store. Belonging to a CSA has really opened me up to all sorts of new foods and being able to make them at home is wonderful.

  118. i remember riding the train to the farmers market on sunday mornings to get fresh produce. i would only buy vegetables and fruit i was familiar with. once i signed up for the csa box i was exposed to new varieties i had never considered or seen before. i started trying new recipes by looking them up on the internet but i always prefer to have a cook book at hand :) i love opening up my csa box and finding items i have never eaten before

  119. I love discovering new recipes with seasonal fruits and veggies

  120. I like getting CSA box of produce because it feeds my creative cullinary juices. The mystery box adds excitedment to the kitchen by challenging me in what to cook next.

  121. my family and i love the surprise/quality of what we get each week. and i also love supporting local farms! jenny

  122. I love having delicious vegetables arrive at my doorstep and being forced to try new recipes.

  123. I love that I don't have to go to the market to buy staples in the vegetable and fruit department and that the produce that comes to us is fresh, local(CA), and organic. Also, the produce lasts much longer than the market produce. I work at home and having fresh produce delivered is a real treat!
    Bev F.

  124. I very much enjoy the element of suprise every Thursday when I recieve a new box of goodies. There is always something flavourful, colorful and sometimes it is difficult not to eat before putting into the fridge.

  125. Our children love going through the box from "our farm"!

  126. My daughter and I recently became vegetarians. It's like Christmas morning every time we get the CSA box. Such a fun challenge for us to come up with new recipes with all the vegetables and fruit.

  127. I can't think of a better way
    to eat your veggies than a CSA

    go local, organic, and show you care
    and ditch box box fare from from who knows where!

  128. My boss turned me onto the CSA box and we LOVE it! I have turned a few people onto it myself. We are veggies in this house and we just love how fresh and yummy everything is! Thank you!

  129. I love being in tune with real seasonal cooking and eating. I love the variety that is imposed by what is growing now. I love learning to prepare fruits and vegetables that I never had exposure to growing up in the land of have it all, have it whenever you want supermarkets.

  130. We love eating seasonal produce! It reminds us of growing up in farm country, my husband in Iowa and me in New Jersey. (Yes! New Jersey is the Garden State despite what's depicted on "Jersey Shore.") When we get zucchini four weeks in a row, we know exactly what you're going through -- and are happy to have a freezer full of zucchini bread! Thanks so much!!!

  131. Its like Christmas every other Friday, can't wait to see what's in the box!

  132. I love using fresh produce. Everything just tates better.

  133. We are eating more fresh fruits and veggies and loving it! It has made us try new produce, our new favorite - fava beans! Thank You!!

  134. Although I don't live on the CSA route I joined CSA
    because I believe in supporting local farmers and I
    more than anything to help my sister in law who was bat-
    tling breast cancer, and schleroderma,to get some of the best
    nutrition possible. Utimately this would help everyone
    in her family. They look foward to the doorstep deli-
    veries. She often juices vegies, enjoys having fresh fruit, my nephew will make salads or make a stew with veggies. One thing we can all attest to is the profound improve-
    ment in her health. Two years since that first CSA
    delivery she looks so much healthier. She has less pain, she looks beautiful, has
    more energy, both conditions are in remission. She is
    lively, active and volunteering at her grandson's
    school. We love Friday morning delivery days!

  135. SURPRISE ME! I love surprises so I look forward to the box appearing at my door (Yeah a surprise!) and better yet - what inside this time? It's a surprise! I keeps me from running into a rut because I have to think of a recipe that will go with what comes in the box. This will make a Fritata combination I would never have thought of on my own!

  136. I love eating locally because it helps farmers in the area, saves energy and gives me more delicious foods with less of a carbon footprint.

  137. I love opening the door Friday morning and seeing a box of beautiful fresh produce.
    I don't always find time to shop at farmers' markets and so this is the best way for me to be sure I get fresh local produce.

  138. I know only buy organic produce...I have been recommending FFTY to many people.

    Thank you for stopping by and allowing me to order your wonderful gifts from the "GODS".


  139. love the freshness of the food, trying new food that's seasonal, and the convenience of delivery to my door!

  140. I love the variety. I never know what we're having for dinner until we get the box and get creative with the diverse ingredients.

  141. Wednesday is my favorite morning! -- the only morning I wake up on time and run to my front door to see what goodies I got! Then... the brainstorming and recipe hunting begins! My FFTY box has brought a whole new level of adventure to my cooking, not to mention the warm, fuzzy feeling of eating local organic produce!

  142. It is so convenient, and like opening a present, always surprised what will be in the box! Aside having fresh and organic produce in your home.

  143. i love the inspiration i get from my weekly box. i wait for it to come Wednesday morning and then do my grocery shopping based on what was in the box. i never have to ask what should i make tonight, the box has all the answers!

  144. I look forward to Fridays as that is our delivery day. It's great eating fresh, organic, local, seasonal foods - what everyone should be eating! If you delivered to San Diego, our son would be another customer.

  145. From Julie

    What a treat, time saver and a taste adventure

  146. For me it is like having a surprise every time the box arrives to my home, and I love thinking what I am going to cook when I see the ingredients.

  147. I love the convenience, the beautiful seasonal and local produce, and the feeling of belonging to something that may serve as a model in environmental sustainability for future generations.

  148. It's so convenient! I look forward to my box every week: with our family of five the fresh veggies and fruits go really quickly. I also love to eat organic and from local farms.

  149. Tuesday is the best day of the week waiting to see what will come this time! Local foods, local taste!

  150. I love the convenience. And love eating fresh, unadulterated food.

  151. I love the challenge of trying new recipes (or creating new ones) & menus with each box, plus I like knowing that all of my meals will be fresh, healthy & delicious.

  152. I love that my body is recieving the exact foods nature intended for the climate i live in, and the excitement of constantly trying new foods.

  153. Having a mystery box of goodies every week has made me excited to cook ... I've tried a lot of new veggies and fruits ... And learned so many new recipes. Plus, I feel good about eating fresh and local! Thank you FFTY :)

  154. I like getting REALLY fresh fruits and vegetables every Wednesday. We tend to eat more veggies this way. Sometimes it's hard to get our teenagers to eat certain things, but hopefully, with time, they'll get more adventurous in trying more.

  155. I don't even know where to start... it's like Christmas every week!! Not only because we may get something new and exciting but we may also get our favorite things!! I started receiving my produce box for convenience and to help me bring local, organic, tasty food to the family table, but it has also expanded my horizons to items I would NEVER had purchased from my local store or farmer's market. THANK YOU!!!

  156. I love the fresh fruits and veggies and I have 3 large parrots who love them too!

  157. Seasonal, organic, locally grown, produce delivered to my door whats not to love. My kids are always excited to see what we got in the box! I have been challenged to try vegetables I would not have otherwise tried and thanks to your recipes, my family has loved many of them.

  158. It is like Christmas every time I get my box of seasonal and organic produce!

  159. I love being pushed out of my comfort zone! We always seemed to be in a vegetable rut and it's great to try new and different varieties of produce that we previously weren't familiar with!

  160. I love the fresh food and how it helps me to eat better by coming right to doorstep and calling me to eat whatever is in it!

  161. I love the fresh mangos. They remind me of when I was a kid.

  162. Looove receiving our box of goodies! My little 3 and 5 year olds sample each item and it is such a gift that they are happy to try out all the yummy fruits and veggies the farmers grew with love.

  163. I like that I'm purchasing local food with no pesticides. I like that some of the foods I have gotten, I would not have normally purchased so now get to try them. I also like that there is an enclosed page that gives me great recipee ideas for the produce I just received. Lastly, I love that the food is delivered directly to my front door, luv it!!!

  164. Looove receiving our box of goodies! My little 3 and 5 year olds sample each item and it is such a gift that they are happy to try out all the yummy fruits and veggies the farmers grew with love.

  165. I love FFTY for all sorts of reasons. The amazing food, the surprise gift on my porch every Friday, the fact that I'm able to support local farmers who are trying their best to do what's right for the earth and for us, that I'm able to teach my children what REALLY good food looks and tastes like, that I now eat kale and bok choy on a regular basis - thanks to introducing it to me!.. oh, the list goes on and on. Thanks for the past 2 years! I look forward for more good food and good times!

  166. It is like opening a Christmas present every time I get my box! I {heart} farm fresh to you!

  167. I like figuring out new ways to cook items I would have never bought for myself at the grocery fractal broccoli, I mean Romanesco!

  168. I love teaching my children about buying local and reading the stories of each months delivery

  169. It's like getting a pressie at my front-door each time I get a delivery! :)

  170. I love the anticipation of receiving my box, something like christmas morning, unsure of what its contents will hold each week. I am also thrilled that because of FFTY I am now a huge fan of chard!

  171. I love the variety and how fresh the fruits are.

  172. It encourages me to eat more produce and I feel healthier.

  173. I love making the box a surprise and coming up with creative meals based on the fruits and vegetables I receive!

  174. I love how excited my 3YO girl gets when she sees the box. She pushes it inside, opens it, grabs a fresh carrot for her to eat (that she washes herself and gives one to me) while we get the rest of the contents out and try new things. And she gets to play with the empty box afterwards! CSA is a very important part of my girl's eduction, she's one of the rare children in her preschool class that eats a lot of vegetables and will rather eat a plate of crunchy carrots than candy while watching a movie.

  175. I love that the food is locally grown. I feel connected to the source. I know that it is grown with chemical free love and knowhow. As an avid urban farmer with a vegetable and fruit garden, I appreciate what it takes to get such good quality and abundance from/with the land.

  176. Of course the produce is the freshest it can be but the one thing I absolutely find essential is Thaddeus words of wisdom about what's happening on the farm and how things are progressing.

  177. It is a wonderful gift on my doorstep. Nothing tastes better or is better for you than Organic produce!

  178. I love that we're eating fresh veggies instead of processed junk

  179. Waking up, finding the box on the doorstep and seeing what's inside!

  180. We love knowing that we're eating fresh organic veggies and fruit and it's convenient to get it delivered to our doorstep!

  181. The best part about belonging to a CSA is never looking at what is coming in the box in advance so it feels like Christmas every other Tuesday!
    - Abbie E

  182. Providing a healthy meal for my family brings me joy!


  184. On Thursday morning I wake to find the box of farm fresh goodness resting on my doorstep. It's like Christmas opening up the box and seeing what surprises are waiting to be tested. I think that going back to local farming and away from imported produce is a worthwhile movement. Even Walmart is getting on board! Must be working if big corporate America is taking notice. It's good for the environment, the local economies and, most of all, for the people who consume the produce. Yum!

  185. Farm Fresh inspires me to try different kinds of foods and recipes than I ever have before!

  186. I like the convenience of having it delivered to my doorstep, the fact that's it organic and that I'm directly helping out a farm.

  187. I can't grow a garden myself, so I'm thrilled to have local organic produce, even though I live in the big city!

  188. Delicious, fresh, organic, and inspiration for trying new recipes.

  189. I love that every Friday morning I will receive a box full of delicious veggies grown with love by local farmers. We are always curious and impatient when we open the box. We want to see what is in it!
    We also enjoy a lot reading the news about the farm and discovering new recipes. I have done several of them so far and there were all yummy.

  190. I love the quality (some of the best tasting fruits and veggies I've ever had) and the challenge of using something I might not be familiar with. Plus it's great that it's local, AND comes right to my door! It's one of my best investments, hands down.

  191. Supporting Organic farming is an simple way to start making a difference in the health of the country. It also never ceases to amaze me how delicious all my produce is. It's a great surprise every time I open the box and am reminded how wonderful belonging to a CSA is.

  192. I love having fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. I love trying the new recipes!

  193. I love looking up recipes for vegetables I've never used before. It makes my dinners so much more interesting.

  194. I love opening the front door at 7am and feeling like it's Christmas! The box is a present that gives us better meals and better health! I love my kids jumping up and down and helping me unpack our goodies!

  195. I've kept up my small mixed box when moving across the state of california. I started in san francisco area and moved to los angeles area. I couldn't do without the convenience, variety, costomability, and price. Thank you FFTY, on Tuesdays when you deliver, and don't mistake my apt for the neighbor's, my day is 100% better.

  196. Being a Holistic Nutritionist, it is of top priority to me to eat as close to Nature as possible and support my local farmers. Receiving a box every other week, has become a highlight for me. Discovering the abundance of fruits and vegetables, and admiring their organic shapes and different colors...simply lightens my days and provides for a creative, wholesome, and nourished existence. I am so grateful. <3
